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  • Umut Gultekin posted an update 8 months, 4 weeks ago

    Just wanted to share an interesting bit of info that I came across by preparing data set for a Norwegian study. There is a specific site from Norway that shows very different results in accessibility defect scanning engines on their homepage. It’s almost like a case study.
    Axe-core says 0 errors
    WAVE says 7
    Siteimprove says 3
    Lighthouse says 2 (based on axe-core)
    IBM Equal Access says 4 (based on axe-core)
    Microsoft Accessibility Insights says 0 (based on axe-core)
    QualWeb says 2 or 12 depending on ruleset selection (without and with WCAG, respectively)

    If you want to have fun (if this is your understanding of fun :smile:) analyse how come axe-core says no problem on errors reported by other accessibility defect scanners, this is an interesting learning exercise.